The question arises almost every year, amidst grant holders and surely among others. Especially in this year, when the Forum celebrates its 60th birthday.
Yesterday evening at the very nice reception in Böglerhof I witnessed a lady, supposedly in her mid sixties, talking loudly about grant holders and their role for the forum. She complained, that grant holders are only here because of the receptions, only to get something to eat. Interestingly she had a big plate with a great variety of starters, eating with great pleasure.
But what is the real problem? Last year I witnessed a similar discussion at a reception, where some business men complained that grant holders "destroy" the character of the Forum.
When I attended the marvellous evening with Hannes Kar, showing pictures and films from past days and offering a great insight into the history of Alpbach and the Forum, I learned that it was the purpose of the Forum to bring young people, mostly students, and academics together. Otto Molden was a student when he founded it, Simon Moser his counterpart.
It is certainly not the EFA which is to blame for the misconception that might be around. It is a problem of the attitude that (mostly) elder business men and women bring along on their way to Alpbach. Sure, to build up a network is important these days, but giving something back to younger people, to help them develop and grow is definitely necessary and beneficial for all of us.

Yesterday evening at the very nice reception in Böglerhof I witnessed a lady, supposedly in her mid sixties, talking loudly about grant holders and their role for the forum. She complained, that grant holders are only here because of the receptions, only to get something to eat. Interestingly she had a big plate with a great variety of starters, eating with great pleasure.
But what is the real problem? Last year I witnessed a similar discussion at a reception, where some business men complained that grant holders "destroy" the character of the Forum.
When I attended the marvellous evening with Hannes Kar, showing pictures and films from past days and offering a great insight into the history of Alpbach and the Forum, I learned that it was the purpose of the Forum to bring young people, mostly students, and academics together. Otto Molden was a student when he founded it, Simon Moser his counterpart.
It is certainly not the EFA which is to blame for the misconception that might be around. It is a problem of the attitude that (mostly) elder business men and women bring along on their way to Alpbach. Sure, to build up a network is important these days, but giving something back to younger people, to help them develop and grow is definitely necessary and beneficial for all of us.

smi - on 25. Aug 2004, 11:07
werft meinte am 25. Aug, 14:32:
Not too much to add. Sad but true. Yet, there are encounters with charming people of all ages who still represent this much-quoted "spirit of Alpbach". I?ve given up raging about old farts in suits totally infatuated with themselves and their miserable, envious, narrowminded lives.Let us rather cherish the precious moments of great Hans Albert boogie-woogieing by the piano or of Eös Szátvary explaining evolutionary biology in such an entertaining way that I started regretting having taken up law, not the sciences.
biodancer meinte am 25. Aug, 14:36:
i totally agree...
... have a look on the posting "reich und schön!"